Email Advertisement (Acer)

Acer Email Advertisement

Troxell Communications, Acer


Email Marketing, Brand Awareness, Responsive Design, Education Market

Mission: Create an email campaign for Acer Chromebooks utilizing MDF (Marketing Development Funds).

Solution: Design and code an effective email that is completely trackable so ROI can be reported back to the manufacturer. Create buttons that link back to Troxell’s ecommerce site for quick and easy purchase. Also include regional contact information and social links.

My Role: Collected pictures and images from a tear sheet provided by manufacturer. Formatted photos & graphic elements for web friendly use. Coded a responsive HTML5 email with all inline CSS3. Tested the code on and When completed, uploaded the code to our Marketing Automation Software (Act-on). Uploaded and scrubbed the .csv list and sent test email. After approval, the email was sent out to the recipients.

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